
发布时间:2020-10-29 15:14作者:本站编辑来源:本站原创 浏览次数:

2019 Grade Held the 6th Academic Salon

Academic Salon 6th, the first academic saloon of this semester, was hold on 16th October 2020 in room 701 in Tianjiabing building with the participation of two experts, students on campus and students abroad online. The activity lasted from 2:30 to 5:00pm. Five of PhD students shared their presentations, respectively: Usama Kalim, Impact of Principal Leadership on School Performance in Pakistan; Nabila Ghassani, The School Principals’ Strategy to Improve Teacher Motivation in Utilization of ICT for Student Performance in Public Primary Schools in Jakarta, Indonesia; Bahtilla Marinette; The Impact of Research Management Practices on Research Productivity of Universities in Cameroon; Latdavone Khamphouvong, Administrators’ Strategies to Motivate Teachers in Conducting Research in the National University of Laos; Michael Adarkwah, The Impact of Teacher Motivation on Students’ Academic Performance in Postcolonial Ghana: The Mediating Role of Teacher Job Satisfaction.

Two distinguished experts in the education field, Prof. Luo Shengquan and Prof. Xu Hui attended the salon as the presenters’ supervisors to oversee the improvement of the students and provided constructive feedbacks. In addition, Dr. Liu Yi, the headteacher of 2019 Grade both chaired the academic salon and provided insightful feedback and questions for the students. This salon has been concluded with a group photo taken for all participants both online and in the campus.

供稿:Perrin Kiran


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