
发布时间:2024-05-22 17:32作者:来源: 浏览次数:

Academic Salon on Literature Review for Faculty of Education International Students (Class of 2023)


To better direct and shape international PhD students' ideas toward current and future research in an operationalizable and smooth research process, the Faculty of Education of SWU organized the first Academic Salon on Literature Review in room 504 of the Edu Building, on May 17th, 2024, from 2:30 to 5:00 pm. Associate Professor Chen Benyou who is also the head teacher of the 2023 class and host of this salon invited Associate Professor Hou Yuna, Associate Professor Zhao Xiantong, and Associate Professor Tang Ying to be the commenters of this salon. And three doctoral students (Djatmiko, Sadia Irfan, and Esther Onyinye Nwigwe) gave presentations, and other students (Chimaobi Charles IgweaniWilson Ifemjika Chineduand Ghulfam Sadiq) also attended this activity.

First, the three international students presented their literature reviews on different topics in turn. Djatmiko's topic was "Developing Generative Artificial Intelligence Models for Higher Education," and he presented a literature review on the prospects for the use of generative AI in higher education, especially in scientific research. Sadia Irfan's presentation was on The Role of Departmental Leadership on Teachers Professional Learning in Public Primary Schools of Quetta-Pakistan”. She focused on the relationship between departmental leadership and teacher professional growth. Esther Onyinye Nwigwe presented on the topic of how critical pedagogy is reshaping global citizenship education.


Next, student audiences were given a room to make comments, suggestions, or propose thought to be better ideas in light of the presenter’s topic; questions were asked to gain clarity of the whole idea presented by students.

At last, after brief discussions, the sitting professors dug deeper by asking relevant questions to the students to get clarity and provided better help to them, to make their ideas more realistically. Therefore, useful suggestions were provided, such as what was lacking and what they needed to do to clarify their research goals.


This event undoubtedly provided better insights into reshaping the student's ideas on topics they intended to work on. By the comments of the professors, students were shown to have a better understanding of what they intended to research and where they are short of, which needs more efforts. Hopefully they will go further in their future studies and research.


ReporterWilson Ifemjika Chinedu, Zhang Xinyu

            First EditorChen Benyou

Second Editor: Wang Xue

Final Editor: Wang Zhengqing


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